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Gifted girls - Davidson Institute
This article by Joan Smutney addresses some of the issues gifted girls face once they are in school. Gifted girls may feel they have to pay a high price
NAGC Parent Resources
Parent TIP Sheets
Reading Tip Sheets for Parents
This is Why Your Gifted Child Struggles to Fall Asleep
One of the most frustrating aspects of raising gifted children is the lack of sleep. Why won't they fall asleep? What is keeping them up? I happen to know.
No Rest for the Gifted (or Anxious, or Sensitive): 5 Simple Tips to Encourage Restful Sleep
Night time parenting with gifted children is not for the faint of heart. Anxiety, sensitivity, and sensory needs can make rest with your differently-wired kiddo hard to come by. But with a little time and a few simple strategies, everyone in the family will be on the path to better sleep.
Mindfulness and the Gifted
Mindfulness can help gifted children become more self-aware and resilient. Learn about mindfulness and the gifted.
Mindfulness on the Path of Gifted Development - InterGifted
Gifted challenges such as perfectionism, heightened sensitivity, relational struggles, asynchronous abilities, cognitive complexity and emotional intensity can all be addressed effectively via a dedicated practice of robust mindfulness. Kelly Pryde, founder of our Gifted Mindfulness Collective, shares how robust mindfulness offers us valuable opportunities to support ourselves and thrive as gifted adults.… Read More
Stealth dyslexia - Davidson Institute
This article, written by Brock and Fernette Eide, discusses the concept of hidden dyslexia, which can be a common problem among intellectually gifted
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